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Accessibility Conflict

Automated test rack requires the injection of rotary input events using the car_service command, follow Set up a rotary controller.


The car_service command can work normally:

adb shell cmd car_service inject-rotary

However, when Appium is running, some commands to move focus do not work (Commands that do not change focus still work), but the stdout is still Succeeded.

After I force-stop io.appium.uiautomator2.server, all the commands work normally.

Based on the phenomena, I guess there are two possibilities:
  • Appium process intercepts the rotary input events injection.
  • The underlying service conflicts.


Before this, I already knew that Appium were ultimately implemented based on Accessibility.

I've tried to learn how to implement Focus from Developing Apps without the Car UI Library.

Luckily, I got important information in this doc, FocusParkingView and FocusArea are based on Accessibility too!


Implement FocusParkingView

You either can implement your own FocusParkingView or copy the class from the car-ui-library to your project.

To implement FocusParkingView:

Hard code the accessibility class name so that the RotaryService can recognize it:

public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() {
    return "";

Implement FocusArea

Like FocusParkingView, you can either implement your own FocusArea or copy the class from the car-ui-library to your project.

To implement FocusArea:

Hard code the accessibility class name so that rotary service can recognize it:

public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() {
    return "";

So, the root cause of this problem is Appium suppress Accessibility.

Knowing why, I found a solution in appium-uiautomator2-driver, set appium:disableSuppressAccessibilityService true when init driver.

Capability Name Description
appium:disableSuppressAccessibilityService Being set to true tells the instrumentation process to not suppress accessibility services during the automated test. This might be useful if your automated test needs these services. false by default

Everything is ok now! 🎉