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BFS and DFS in Dict Traversal

I answered such a question on Stack Overflow: How do I extract all keys from this JSON file?

Retrieve all the dict keys from a dict whose values consist of multiple Iterable obj.

data = {
    'k1': 'Lanbao',
    'k2': {
        'k3': 'Lanbao',
        'k4': [
                'k5': 'Lanbao',
                'k6': ['Lanbao']
        'k7': 'Lanbao',
    'k8': 'Lanbao'

By constructing generators to implement BFS (Breadth-First Search) and DFS (Depth-First Search) respectively.
from collections import deque
from import Iterable

def get_keys(data, ignore_type=(str, bytes)):
    deque_ = deque([data])  
    while deque_:
        node = deque_.popleft()
        if isinstance(node, dict):
            for k, v in node.items():
                yield k
        elif isinstance(node, Iterable) and not isinstance(node, ignore_type):
            for i in node:
from import Iterable

def get_keys(data, ignore_type=(str, bytes)):
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        for k, v in data.items():
            yield k
            yield from get_keys(v)
    elif isinstance(data, Iterable) and not isinstance(data, ignore_type):
        for i in data:
            yield from get_keys(i)